I know, I know, I owe you a discussion on how some knowledge of cataloging can help you refine your OPAC/web search strategies. The article was begun and then put aside as the Art Institute donated 4 boxes of new books that need to be cataloged, processed and moved to the library. That will take some time, and no, I'm not suggesting that the entire job must be completed before I get back to work on the article. But it will take a bit of time to get something worthwhile written and posted.
In the meantime, I did spy two very nifty posts on the differences between daily life in 2008 and, say 1948. The first by Charles Hugh-Smith is titled "A Great Depression, or Simply a Return to Normal Life," and the second by "Protagoras" is called "How Our Parents Shopped." Both are excellently written and a bit of an eye-opener for those of us who don't remember a time when "getting out of the house" and "going to the mall" weren't considered synonymous.
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