I think the title of this post says all that need be said on the subject: NYPL takes its reading lists quite seriously. This is a good one.
There are some good selections there, too: Rachel Carson's Silent Spring is an old favorite now in its billionth printing, Power Trip: The Story of America's Love Affair With Energy by Amanda Little, and Alternative Energy by Brian Black are all excellent resources to look through as you consider how you can help convince Mother nature not to wipe out Homo sapiens in the next century or so.*
Anyway, the list is here and the day is young. Start reading!
*Don't kid yourself--she's come perilously close to doing so a number of times over the past few million years. The only reason we've been able to settle down and build our current civilization is a weirdly stable climate which allowed agriculture to become a reliable means of food production for large populations that began something like 20,000 years ago. That climate is now ending. By any estimation we are living 0n borrowed time.
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