Last day of classes. The MCNY academic calendar says so, therefore it must be true. As if I needed an extra point of proof, it's twenty minutes since I opened the doors and twenty out of forty PC workstations are already full. Today, everyone wants a piece of me. Managing all this on my own is like being a rock star except there's no music, money, fame, recognition, rave reviews, interviews with the writers at Rolling Stone magazine, or groupies wanting to have their way with me.
Additionally, it's raining again and the humidity is maddening. I haven't spotted anyone building a giant boat and leading animals onto it yet but it's just a matter of time. In the meantime, my clothes are sticking in places where clothing should not stick.
Joy all around.
With that lovely image rattling around your head, I leave you with the best book lists I've found in a while. NPR listeners and readers chose their favorite 100 Sci-Fi/Fantasy titles of all time, and for once I have read many of the books on the list.
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