Fall Program Friday, November 4, 2011
The Future of MARC
Location: The Carroll Classroom in the Uris Center for Education at The
Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1000 Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street, New York
City. Use the 81st Street entrance behind the south fountain.
Time: 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Join NYTSL for our annual fall program as we discuss the future of
bibliographic description and MARC with former LOC "digital pioneer"
Rebecca Geuther. Building off our Spring Program on RDA, we'll be looking
at how or if MARC can support the content new standard. Does MARC need to
change? Or do we need to support new structure and encoding standards for
Rebecca Guenther has 35 years of experience in national libraries,
primarily working on library technology standards related to digital
libraries. Most of her professional life has been at the Library of
Congress developing national and international standards related to
metadata. This includes 22 years on the development and maintenance of the
MARC formats and the development of related XML formats, such as MODS and
MADS. She has served on numerous standards and implementation
committees, several as chair, is widely published in professional
literature, and has given many tutorials, workshops and presentations. She
recently began to explore use of semantic web technology and the potential
of Linked Data. She left the Library of Congress in August 2011 to work as
a consultant on metadata development and planning.
Refreshments served, 6:00-7:00 pm
Meeting and program, 7:00-8:30 pm
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