How to Thrive as a Solo Librarian, to which Lara and I both contributed chapters (hers is on weeding, mine is on library security), is officially available. Witness the press release:
Contact Lisa McAllister v 301-459-3366 x5619 v [email protected]
How To Thrive As A Solo Librarian
“The audience for this book—librarians who are working alone, or nearly alone—may be larger than many of us suspect. And once again Carol Smallwood has done what she does so well—present a guide, written by a variety of experienced professionals, full of common sense, nuts and bolts advice, and step-by-step instruction.” —Tom Cooper, Director, Webster Groves Public Library; Writing and Publishing: The Librarian's Handbook (ALA, 2010)
“A wealth of solid, practical advice, this anthology provides essential how-to articles that speak directly to the needs of those solo librarians who do it all.” —Kim Becnel, assistant professor of library science, Appliachian State University
How to Thrive as a Solo Librarian is a useful compilation of chapters by librarians offering advice to colleagues who must work alone or with very limited help. The contributors come from schools and colleges, special and corporate archives, public libraries, and seasoned LIS faculty across the United States and abroad who are familiar with the vigor, dedication, and creativity necessary for solo librarians.
As noted in the Foreword, "In many ways, solo librarianship demands more communication and collaboration than librarians might experience in larger multi-employee libraries." Despite the fact that most of the authors are currently working alone in their library or archives, they do not work in a vacuum. These chapters aim to help librarians thrive in the demanding environment that exists for the solo librarian. Topics covered include time management, community involvement, public relations and marketing, professional development, internet-based ideas, administrative tasks, assessing and moving collections, and general overviews. How to Thrive as a Solo Librarian will be useful for all professionals and students in the field of librarianship.
Carol Smallwood has worked as a public library systems administrator and consultant, and in school, academic, and special libraries. She has authored, co-authored, edited, and co-edited several books, including Writing and Publishing: The Librarian's Handbook (2010) and Librarians as Community Partners: An Outreach Handbook (2010). Her articles have appeared in numerous journals, including American Libraries.
Melissa J. Clapp is the Coordinator of Instruction & Outreach at Humanities & Social Sciences Library West, University of Florida. Her most recent publication appears in Collaborative Librarianship.
An Imprint of the Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group
October 2011 v 978-0-8108-8213-3v $45.00 Paperv 314 pages
Posted by: fatchicksrule | October 28, 2011 at 02:29 PM